Acquires SeaMonster to Enable World's First Activity-Based Sales Incentives Solution

Contact Engagement

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Get The Whole Story

Measure engagement and intent levels during the sales process from start to finish. CRM activity data doesn’t tell you when a deal is about to go cold – you normally find out when it’s too late to salvage. SeaMonster tracks deep engagement insights of all key players in the buyer’s journey, giving you the intel you need to step in and take action on a deal before it’s lost.

1. Activity data in a timelined view

Easily identify when and why engagement levels increase or decrease throughout your sales process, allowing you to optimize your process for maximum conversions.


2. Identify disengaged contacts involved in a deal

Track engagement levels of all the key players in your deal in a consolidated view to identify who needs to be re-engaged.

Automatically Link Contacts to Opportunities

This is often a manual process in CRM’s today, but SeaMonster automatically detects both Account and Opportunity Contacts involved in a deal, pulling them all into the same activity view to give you the full behavior of participants.


Frequently Asked Questions

SeaMonster tracks all activities, giving you a more complete picture of engagement that your CRM data. Tracked activities include email opens, email responses, website visits, completed meetings, and more.

Our clients love the activity view because they don’t have to jump from one contact record to another to see all the activity and engagement that has taken place on a single deal. SeaMonster brings all the touchpoints from all the key players in a deal together into a single timelined view. With this intel, SeaMonster users can quickly identify opportunity risks and jump in with additional resources to keep deals moving.