Acquires SeaMonster to Enable World's First Activity-Based Sales Incentives Solution


Sales Process Adoption for Everyone

Our mission at SeaMonster is to help Sales Organizations implement repeatable sales processes quickly, with no barriers to entry. We know that Sales Leaders understand the importance of Sales Process for revenue consistency, and they invest a considerable amount of time developing policies and procedures that they believe will make their Team more successful.

The Challenge of Implementation

We recognized the challenge however for businesses to implement Sales Process, and to understand whether it is actually being followed. More often than not, Sales Leaders learn about process deviations after an opportunity has gone cold, or even lost completely. To best support your team, it’s important to address process deviations before damage is done and to learn from the experience.

Kevin North

Co-Founder / CEO

SeaMonster is an integrated SaaS tool that supports the quick and easy implementation of Sales Process. It was built to accommodate Teams from a broad range of process experience, ranging from Teams who are just getting started with their Sales Process, to Teams that have years of experience with Sales Process and have attempted to implement variations of strategic methodologies like MEDDIC and MEDDPICC.

Jesse Lancaster

Co-Founder / CTO

Process Is More
Important than Ever

There is no better time than now to prioritize Sales Process. Sales Organizations are faced with having to achieve revenue targets in a more difficult economic climate, and are being asked to do more with less. SeaMonster can help you navigate through these challenging times, and will help you identify process problems before deals are lost, and address behavioral patterns for better coaching and continuous improvement.

The best part is that you can set up SeaMonster in less time than it took to run your last Sales Meeting 😊

Want to learn more? Request a demo and one of our team members will be happy to show you just how easy it is to get your sales organization set up for success.